THE GREAT RESET – Let there be Jobs A
compilation of REFSA articles, briefs and opinions on thought provoking suggestions to create sustainable, dignified jobs for all.
#MalaysiaCiptaKerja (Versi Bahasa)
Lebih lima bulan telah berlalu semenjak Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan mula-mula sejurus tercetusnya pandemik COVID-19. Pertumbuhan KDNK negara untuk suku kedua tahun 2020 dicatatkan -17.1%, kadar terendah sejak krisis Kewangan Asia pada 1998. Sementara itu, kadar pengangguran dicatatkan pada 4.9 peratus atau seramai 773,200 orang tanpa pekerjaan.
Pelbagai rancangan rangsangan ekonomi telah dilancarkan untuk membantu memelihara kelangsungan hidup rakyat. Namun, adakah semua inisiatif ini mencukupi? Apakah realiti sebenar yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat? Mampukah kita bangkit semula dalam normal baharu pasca COVID-19?
Saksikan #MalaysiaCiptaKerja untuk memahami Dasar-dasar Berorientasikan Misi yang boleh diperkenalkan untuk menyemai semula ekonomi Malaysia dan mewujudkan ekosistem pekerjaan baru yang berdaya tahan dan lestari.
#MalaysiaCiptaKerja (English version)
More than five months have passed since the first Movement Control Order was announced following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The country’s GDP growth for the second quarter of 2020 was recorded at -17.1%, the lowest rate since the Asian Financial crisis in 1998. Meanwhile, unemployment rate was recorded at 4.9 per cent or 773,200 unemployed people, an all record high.
Various economic stimulus plans have been launched to help protect people’s lives and livelihoods. However, are all these initiatives sufficient? What is the reality on the ground? Can we quickly stand on our feet again in the post-COVID-19 world?
Watch #MalaysiaCiptaKerja to understand Mission-Oriented Policies that can be introduced to reset the Malaysian economy and create a resilient and sustainable ecosystem for job creation.

The impact of COVID-19 on the Youth in Malaysia – a survey report
Based on a survey carried out at the height of the COVID-19 crisis in May 2020, this report highlights the impact of COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdowns on Malaysian youth. It is found that the youth are more vulnerable, with different age groups of youth experiencing different difficulties. Read the full report to find out more.

Budget 2021: Ushering in the New Economic Paradigm
Budget 2021 will need to incorporate measures to ensure the survival of the economy in the short term, while balancing this with the creation of good jobs and a stronger social safety net, to lay the foundations for a dynamic economy in the future.

Can unemployment be overcome as COVID-19 cases increase?
We will see an increase in unemployment based on work experience and skills, especially abroad. With the slowing economic growth due to #COVID19, the government needs to do something beyond saving jobs alone.

Understanding unemployment statistics
How do you read and understand the unemployment statistics? It is important to look behind the headline and understand the quality of the jobs being created.

Response to “Families on the Edge” Study: Government should play a proactive role in jobs creation
Our response to the UNICEF-UNFPA Study “Families on the Edge”.

Bold policies needed to save and create jobs, kickstart economy, says think tank
Putrajaya should undertake a “mission-oriented” industrial policy to create new jobs in the medium to long term amid a gloomy economic backdrop.

Re-Imagining Re-industrialisation Now
With prolonged economic recession insight, Hafiz Noor Shams, Visiting Fellow at REFSA gives us his view on how Malaysia can move forward and whether a new re-industrialisation policy is required.

Creating Jobs Through Public Education and Healthcare Investment
Government plays a key role to stabilise and jumpstart the jobs market that has been battered during the COVID-19 recession. This paper proposes counteracting measures in the form of a long-term public sector expansion. Specifically, the public health and tertiary education systems should be expanded to meet underserved demand.

Malaysia needs re-industrialisation policy to tackle urban poverty, says analyst
Our Visiting Fellow Hafiz Noor Shams in a jointly organized webinar with IRDP Malaysia highlights that the growth rate of high paying jobs has not kept up with population growth.

Revisiting the Role of Government in the Economy
Government and the public sector have unique advantages that can be the catalyst for a vibrant, resilient, sustainable and fair economy.

Is Penjana Kerjaya creating skilled jobs?
Penjana Kerjaya should incentivise industries towards skilled jobs with decent wages. Under current economic crisis, does it live up to this expectation?

To set the path of economy recovery, the Government must step up job creation via a “Mission-Oriented” Industrial Policy
The RM35b PENJANA plan has its merits, but may still fall short in protecting jobs and supporting livelihoods. While some temporary reliefs are essential, the government must urgently look into a much-needed long-term economic reform for Malaysia.