‘Make way for youths to lead because change comes from them’

Penang Institute’s Datuk Dr. Ooi Kee Beng reminded us at The Great Reset book launch that history shows the pivotal role youth play in leading change. The older generation may talk about reforms but when push comes to shove, they would usually take the route they were most comfortable with.

Mampukah Parlimen Malaysia menjadi lebih baik?

Kordinator Penyelidik REFSA, Fakhrurrazi M. Rashid berkongsi pandangan di Aliran tentang peranan Yang Di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat mempertahankan kedaulatan parlimen. Kredibiliti Speaker Dewan Rakyat akan menentukan hala tuju parlimen Malaysia sama ada ke arah yang baik atau sebaliknya.

Consider This: New Malay Heartland?

PRESSROOM JUL 31, 2020 Consider This: New Malay Heartland? Our Communications Director, Iskandar Fareez discussed the shifting Malay Heartland and the realities of urban living on Astro AWANI’s Consider This. Check out his post below for highlights on implications of…

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