Good Governance

Percaturan kerusi untuk kuasa menjelang PRU ke-15

A convincing political coalition across ethnic lines is the best formula for winning GE-15. In fact, without adequate racial representation, a ruling coalition's ongoing challenge will be political imbalance and instability. Article in Malay.

Memikirkan semula prinsip integriti pasca Covid-19

Malaysia's position on the Corruption Perception Index dropped 6 positions in 2020. The government's focus on a wholesome resilient post-pandemic recovery for the nation must include an intentional effort to increase the 'integrity of governance' of our public institutions. Article in Malay.

Three themes to build back better our economy

A sustainable post-pandemic recovery must include a clear plan for identifying new sources of economic growth. A reliance on Malaysia's current economic model will not be adequate as these sectors were already facing daunting challenges before the pandemic, but in many cases their predicament has now become acute. There is a need to trigger higher and cleaner growth through a mission-oriented industrial policy.

Malaysia should emulate New Zealand’s epidemic response committee

When the NZ Parliament was postponed, its epidemic response committee was a recognition of the opposition's role to jointly manage COVID-19. The administration was called to testify on issues, proceedings were broadcasted live and every report was debated when parliament resumed. It guaranteed that the committee conducted itself transparently and openly, and ensured parliamentary scrutiny during the crisis.

Jawatankuasa bebas: New Zealand rujukan terbaik Malaysia

When the NZ Parliament was postponed, its epidemic response committee was a recognition of the opposition's role to jointly manage COVID-19. The administration was called to testify on issues, proceedings were broadcasted live and every report was debated when parliament resumed. It guaranteed that the committee conducted itself transparently and openly, and ensured parliamentary scrutiny during the crisis. Article in Malay.

Can Malaysia end the leadership crisis?

The country is in a leadership crisis. How far will MCO 2.0 and the Emergency declaration flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases? The government must consult and engage widely during this critical period - particularly for the upcoming National Pandemic Management Strategic Plan. It is essential that Parliament continues to function and the Greek and UK parliaments illustrate effective legislating during a pandemic.

Mampukah Malaysia keluar daripada krisis kepimpinan?

The country is in a leadership crisis. How far will MCO 2.0 and the Emergency declaration flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases? The government must consult and engage widely during this critical period - particularly for the upcoming National Pandemic Management Strategic Plan. It is essential that Parliament continues to function and the Greek and UK parliaments illustrate effective legislating during a pandemic. Article in Malay.

Membuang imej ‘rubber stamp’ Dewan Negara

The Dewan Negara is going through an evolutionary phase. This momentum should form the foundational efforts to ditch its decades-long "rubber stamp" image. The Dewan Negara should be seen as an institution that emphasises Co-governing principles. This new dynamic must continue building upon closer cooperation of the government and opposition for a better post-COVID19 country. Article in Malay.

REFSA Reflections: Episode 3 – The GLC Dilemma

The Director's Commentary - REFSA proudly launches a new podcast series on the economy, delving deeper and going behind the scenes into our ideas, publications, and positions. Listen to our third episode focusing on GLCs and how they fit into the fabric of our society on Apple podcast and Spotify.
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