Good Governance

Belanjawan 2021: Mengembalikan Dana and Kuasa Besar Kepada Perdana Menteri

Belanjawan 2021 telah memberikan dana yang besar kepada Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM), mengembalikan semula penusatan kuasa Perdana Menteri seperti pentadbiran BN. Artikel ini memberi gambaran awal mengenai analisis terhadap peruntukan JPM yang perlu dikaji dan dikurangkan agar ia dapat dijana kepada sektor yang lebih penting dan memperkukuh demokrasi negara.

New PAC members appointed have ‘conflict of interest’

Concerns on conflict of interest arise with half of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) members holding positions in agencies and statutory corporations under Ministries who are in effect, supposed to be watchdogs of government as members in the Committee.

Lantikan baharu anggota PAC ada konflik berkepentingan?

Concerns on conflict of interest arise with half of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) members holding positions in agencies and statutory corporations under Ministries who are in effect, supposed to be watchdogs of government as members in the Committee. Article in Malay.

Memahami konsep Confidence Supply Agreement

Recent developments in Malaysia’s political landscape has stirred discussion on a potential Confidence Supply Agreement (CSA), its implementation and impact. This article explains the concept of a CSA and illustrates on its practicality with examples. Article in Malay.

Budget 2021: Time for a political truce

To enhance bipartisan collaboration towards a Confidence Supply Agreement (CSA), it is important for both sides of the political aisle to be open and transparent to reach a consensus before tabling the Budget. The government needs to be committed in this regard and perhaps even give space to opposition MPs to draft its alternative budget.

Belanjawan 2021: Masa untuk perdamaian politik demi rakyat

To enhance bipartisan collaboration towards a Confidence Supply Agreement (CSA), it is important for both sides of the political aisle to be open and transparent to reach a consensus before tabling the Budget. The government needs to be committed in this regard and perhaps even give space to opposition MPs to draft its alternative budget. Article in Malay.
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