Good Governance

Mampukah Parlimen berperanan semula?

Tiba masa kerajaan kembali ke Parlimen dan membina semula institusi ini agar ia benar-benar berkesan untuk mengubah kehidupan rakyat ke arah yang lebih baik berbanding menekan parlimen sehingga ia boleh menjejaskan prinsip asas demokrasi negara dalam tempoh jangka masa yang panjang.

What digital economy do we want?

By revisiting and aligning adjacent policies like competition, data privacy and social protection, we can develop a dynamic and innovative economy that uses digital technologies to the fullest, for the greater good of everyone.





Rethinking the National Defence Industry

There is no doubt that Malaysia has potential to be a producer of various arms and other defence accoutrements. However, this potential must be guided with the right objectives and principles in mind to produce the relevant outcomes.
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