Our work advocates for institutional reforms that will create a more responsive, inclusive and efficient government. Malaysia has come far as a nation, but the quest for true democracy and good governance is a long and arduous one that is yet to complete. We have an urgent imperative to implement wide-ranging reforms in order to rebuild our institutions. New digital media and novel ways for people to relate to government are also fundamentally rewriting the rules of democracy in the contemporary age.
At the same time, much work is needed in addressing reform of the security sector. National security is a multi-disciplinary field, with implications across all layers of society, which necessitates a more inclusive discussion and whole-of-society approach. Other issues, such as climate change, pandemics and transnational crimes, are also changing the way security ought to be perceived and managed.
Focus Areas
- Democracy
- Good Governance
- Parliamentary Reform
- Technology
- Security Sector Reform

Reforming the Dewan Negara Part 2
In Part 2 of this series, using lessons gleaned from the Australian and Canadian senates, this paper critically analyse Malaysia’s Dewan Negara and explores options for reforms as well as challenges to their implementation.

Reforming the Dewan Negara Part 1
Several inherent structural flaws in Dewan Negara have prevented the chamber from reaching its full potential as second chamber to debate government legislation in a more holistic manner.

Reformasi Parlimen: Tinjauan Tiga Tahun Penubuhan Kamar Khas di Parlimen Malaysia
Kajian ini memberi gambaran perkembangan Kamar Khas di Parlimen Malaysia yang tidak mengalami sebarang perubahan substantif, namun telah memberi ruang untuk Ahli Parlimen membawa isu-isu rakyat, sama ada di peringkat nasional atau kawasan.

Strengthening Malaysia’s Open Data Ecosystem: Notes for reform
A more open data ecosystem is needed to strengthen Malaysia’s democracy, empower legislators, and enable citizens to be informed about the state of national development

1 Care for 1 Malaysia?: Indicators and Rationales for Health Care Reform in Malaysia
What exactly are the challenges and problems of the existing dual system of health care in Malaysia? Will replacing the existing general taxation funded system with a mandatory social health insurance scheme solve these problems?

Reformasi Parliamen Malaysia: Adakah Peraturan Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat Demokratik?
Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang mengamalkan sistem demokrasi berparlimen berpandukan kepada konsep Westminster…