Michael Aw

Michael Aw

US-China Trade War and its impact on Malaysia

PASTEVENTS US-China Trade War and its impact on Malaysia Date: 13th July 2018Time: 3pm – 5pmVenue: Library for Social DemocracySpeaker: Professor Woo Wing Thye BackgroundAgainst the backdrop of United States-China trade conflict, how should Malaysia position herself strategically in the…

Public transport is more than ‘big toy’ infrastructure

PRESSROOM SEP 20, 2017 Public transport is more than ‘big toy’ infrastructure MP SPEAKS | Many of us talk about a “liveable city,” “creative city” or “sustainable city.” But we should emphasise the political aspect of cities with the idea…

Post Duterte’s visit, is China a real bully?

PRESSROOM OCT 24, 2016 Post Duterte’s visit, is China a real bully? COMMENT Those who expected the Manila government to win its bid for the disputed Spratly Islands at Hague could not have possibly foreseen the landslide victory that the…

Menangani ketaksuban perkauman dan agama dengan Sosial Demokrasi

PRESSROOM OCT 21, 2016 Menangani ketaksuban perkauman dan agama dengan Sosial Demokrasi Perlembagaan Persekutuan tidak sama sekali menghalang DAP untuk terus memperjuangkan demokrasi sosial yang berteraskan kebebasan, keadilan dan solidariti dalam masyarakat majmuk Malaysia. Malah, DAP dalam Deklarasi Shah Alam…

Keep report card for BR1M recipients, economist suggests

PRESSROOM SEP 13, 2016 Keep report card for BR1M recipients, economist suggests KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 16 — Putrajaya should monitor conditions of families receiving the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) to avoid encouraging over-reliance on government handouts, said an economist. According…

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