Michael Aw

Michael Aw

REFSA concerned over worsening underemployment in Malaysia

Underemployment is rarely addressed compared to unemployment. Due to the MCO, industries have had reduced operating hours, which typically resulted in lower salaries and wages received, particularly in semi-skilled and low-skilled jobs. If left unaddressed, there is a risk Malaysia will be faced with higher levels of underemployment and unemployment compared to prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Belanja lebih untuk pulih lebih pantas, kata panel forum Belanjawan 2021

Belanjawan 2021 sepatutnya mempunyai defisit belanjawan lebih tinggi untuk pemulihan ekonomi lebih pantas. Kadar meminjam pada waktu ini dijangka akan lebih berdaya saing dan berada pada tahap terendah. Ianya tidak akan memberi keburukan kerana banyak negara dijangka melakukan perkara sama bagi merangsang kembali ekonomi yang terjejas kerana pandemik COVID-19.

Spend more for faster recovery, says forum on Budget 2021

The government should not be afraid of incurring a larger budget deficit and should borrow more to speed up economic recovery. Immediate efforts should focus on supporting those who have lost jobs or have reduced income. The creation of better jobs will be vital as we recover, and the health & education sectors are areas the government should stimulate.

REFSA Reflections: Episode 1 – Income & Good Jobs

The Director's Commentary - REFSA proudly launches a new podcast series on the economy, delving deeper and going behind the scenes into our ideas, publications, and positions. Listen to our first episode, focusing on income and good jobs on Apple podcast and Spotify.
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