Economy of Tomorrow Regional Conference 2020 – Day 3

The Future of Work in the New Normal

Session 3: Spotlight on the GiG-Economy

Jointly organised by REFSA and FES

Full Recording

The opportunities, but also challenges arising from gig economy and crowd work on online platforms have been widely acknowledged even before the Covid-19 crisis. On demand and platform market work concerns many sectors, skills and wage levels, physical and online work. It has been shown that the gig economy and crowd-working are vulnerable to ignore decent work principles. GiG workers quite often do not benefit from social security schemes. These trends have also been aggravated and give raise to the question, if GiG economy jobs are a sustainable and resilient job model.

So who are the gig workers, and how should the social safety net for gig workers be organised? Are new forms of legislation and new statutes required with a different contribution model? Could COVID-19 trigger a general change of the previous increasing trend of gig economy employment?

Split into two sessions, Session 3(a) invites rigorous discussions on administration challenges on protecting gig workers and research findings; Session 3(b) casts a spotlight on the gig workers and medical frontliners, showcasing the challenges they face on a day to day basis. Questions explored include, but not limiting to:


Speakers for Session 3(a):

Nurhisham Hussein, Chief Strategy Office, Employees’ Provident Fund, Malaysia

Fahmi Pahimbang, Research Associate,Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane/ Sedane Labour Resource Center (LIPS), Indonesia

Tan Zhai Gen, Research Manager, Asia School of Business; former Research Associate, Khazanah Research Institute, Malaysia

Commentator for Session 3(a):

Prof. Boy Lüthje, Director of the Technology and Industry Research Centre of Institute for Public Policy IPP, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

Moderator for Session 3(a):

Jayjay Denis, Policy and Communications Officer, office of the Selangor Chief Minister, Malaysia


Speakers for Session 3(b):

Arif Asyraf Ali, President, Grab Drivers Association, Malaysia

Dr. Roobini Krishnan, Medical doctor, COVID-19 frontline, Malaysia

Moderator for Session 3(b):

Dr. Kun Wardhana, Director of ICTS Sector at UNI Global Union Asia and Pacific



A summary of the discussion can be found here.



Fahmi Pahimbang, presentation

Tan Zhai Gen, presentation

Dr. Roobini Krishnan, presentation



A series of doodles presentation highlighting key points are showcased below:





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