Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah contoh terbaik fungsi Parlimen ketika COVID-19
[REFSA DISCUSS #4] “Build Back Better”: Constructing our post COVID-19 future
PASTEVENT MAY 6, 2020 [REFSA DISCUSS #4] “Build Back Better”: Constructing our Post-COVID-19 future International Cooperation is key in Building Back Better post-COVID-19 Panel of experts at REFSA’s Webinar discuss the importance of working together to build a robust…
“Next Normal for Jobs” Parliamentary Roundtable #1
From pandemics to the climate crisis
[REFSA DISCUSS #3] COVID-19: Reflections on our urban model
PASTEVENT APR 29, 2020 [REFSA DISCUSS #3] COVID-19: Reflections on our urban model COVID-19 presents us with an opportunity to rethink our living environment and urban model. Panel of experts discuss measures to create an inclusive and resilient…
REFSA’s Selection on World Book Day 2020
COMMENTARY APR 23, 2020 REFSA’s Selection on World Book Day 2020 Bored by the Movement Control Order? Wondering what to read next? This World Book Day, our team at REFSA shared the books they have been reading during the…