Fakhrurrazi Rashid, Koordinator REFSA melihat Parlimen sebagai institusi berdaulat perlu meneliti isu integriti dihadapi oleh SPRM melalui siasatan JPK.
Isu integriti yang menimpa institusi SPRM telah membuka mata rakyat tentang kepentingan SPRM menjadi badan bebas dan ia perlu diletakkan di bawah pengawasan institusi parlimen berbanding Jabatan Perdana Menteri
Malaysia's tendency to look at the world through the lens of ethnicity naturally colours the discourse on inequality. Inter-ethnic inequalities are held to be self-evident, an unending legacy of the colonial policy of divide and rule.
The Melaka state elections look like it’s going to be a three-cornered fight at least, all around. Listen to the full discussion between Iskandar Fareez and BFM on the political dynamics ahead of the polls.
Dana kecil buat parlimen ini tidak memadai untuk melakukan transformasi parlimen seperti yang dipersetujui dalam MoU Transformasi dan Kestabilan Politik.
Belanjawan 2022 masih lagi memberi peruntukan kecil kepada institusi parlimen yang dilihat kian penting selepas krisis politik dan temetrinya perjanjian persefahaman (MoU) Transformasi dan Kestabilan Politik antara kerajaan persekutuan dan Pakatan Harapan.
Fakhrurrazi Rashid, Koordinator Penyelidik REFSA melihat Belanjawan 2022 perlu menyokong transformasi parlimen bagi mewujudkan landskap politik stabil dan berfungsi.
Making a Budget wishlist is a great exercise to identify and champion your wants and expectations from #Budget2022. Here's a quick guide on how you and your friends can get together to craft and share your personal wishlist.
How big should the upcoming #Budget2022 allocation be? How and where should the money be spent? Follow #REFSA101 and learn how you can ask the right questions and better read the Budget.
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