Good Governance

Let’s do whatever it takes to win

We should seize the opportunity during this lockdown to increase testing capacity to reach millions daily in line with suggestions by experts and policymakers, writes Iskandar Fareez.

Battling the Crisis: The Role of GLCs

In a Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) forum, REFSA Communications Director Iskandar Fareez discusses the pitfalls of the current GLC ecosystem, their role in battling the ongoing pandemic and the need to reorient their purpose to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth.

Kebaikan Parlimen hibrid

Parlimen hibrid sebenarnya adalah jalan tengah yang membolehkan Parlimen berfungsi menyemak ketelusan kerajaan ketika kes jangkitan Covid-19 masih tidak menentu. Ikuti pandangan Fakhrurrazi Rashid, Koordinator Penyelidik REFSA mengenai parlimen hibrid.

The speaker must also know politics

The speaker occupies the highest position in Parliament and it is important that he shapes a more mature politics even though the political space has its boundaries. He must at the same time maintain political impartiality.

Mengapa Speaker Dewan Rakyat perlukan politik?

Speaker boleh menjadi contoh yang baik dalam arena politik negara bagi melawan politik jahat daripada pemimpin tertentu yang menganggap parlimen institusi yang merumitkan kepentingan politik mereka, kata Fakhrurrazi Rashid, Koordinator Penyelidik REFSA.

Pemerkasa + – A Drop in the Ocean?

PEMERKASA Plus stimulus package is like extending a rope that is too short to reach the drowning victim. Here's our infographics to provide a summary, breakdown and review of the proposed initiatives and the overall package.

Will PEMERKASA+ Keep The Economy Afloat?

Our Communications Director, Iskandar Fareez shares his views with BFM on why it is necessary to spend more than the RM5 bil direct fiscal injection allocated under PEMERKASA+.
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