Fakhrurrazi Rashid, Koordinator Penyelidik REFSA melihat Belanjawan 2022 perlu menyokong transformasi parlimen bagi mewujudkan landskap politik stabil dan berfungsi.
Communications Director Iskandar Fareez states that this controversy may have been initially incited to further a political agenda from either a religious or racial perspective targeted towards a group from their electoral base.
Making a Budget wishlist is a great exercise to identify and champion your wants and expectations from #Budget2022. Here's a quick guide on how you and your friends can get together to craft and share your personal wishlist.
How big should the upcoming #Budget2022 allocation be? How and where should the money be spent? Follow #REFSA101 and learn how you can ask the right questions and better read the Budget.
#Budget2022 is upon us! Before we get there, here's a refresher on the Malaysian Federal Budget: What is it exactly, and why is it important to you? Follow #REFSA101 for more information.
Pengarah Komunikasi REFSA, Iskandar Fareez berkata, jika JPK distruktur dengan baik, ia mampu menjadi platform dwipartisan efektif untuk menangani isu-isu yang dihadapi rakyat ketika pandemik.
In this recent episode of REFSA Reflections, we discuss the strong points and shortcomings of the 12th Malaysia plan, why it is an important document and process to guide the nation's economic development, and how we can ensure that the plan doesn't just remain a statement of good intentions.
RMK12 tidak sepatutnya menjadi dokumen ‘statik’ yang tidak boleh ditambah baik atau dipinda. Ia sepatutnya perlu menjadi dokumen yang dibincangkan secara aktif sama ada di parlimen dan ruang awam.
Can we be optimistic that any goals listed in the newly released #12MP will be achieved? That depends if the gov is open to incorporating feedback from other parties. Listen to the full discussion between Iskandar Fareez and BFM.
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