
Same Job, Different Pay?

Are Malaysians paid fairly for the work they do? That is the question many Malaysians are asking after an article on World of Buzz highlighted the large wage disparity between Malaysia and Singapore. While there are many factors such as cost of living that might have been a factor here, there are other granular reasons that also play a role in enlarging the gap. We speak to Tan E-Hun from REFSA to understand the causes behind this wage disparity.

Let Them Eat Chicken (… But Not At Reduced Prices)

Prime Minister Dato Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has said that the reduced chicken subsidy was to enable the money to be chanelled directly as cash aid to Malaysians, since previously the reduced price was benefitting not just Malaysians, but also foreign workers and refugees. First, we discuss whether 'Malaysian-only' policies might end up pushing away foreign workers, and whether Malaysia can survive without them. Next, we get into the kind of aid foreign workers have access to, and what needs to be done here.
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